Thursday, January 29, 2009

Me-me-me time.

Bubble and Squeak make a town from Lego and found bits.

We ate way too much brie...

Bubble as wrestle-dude.

My blog has been a bit light on the word/pictures/posting of late.

It's hot. I'm tired. Melbourne is in the middle of a heat wave.

I've been spending time with the kids. They start school in five days and I have no idea what to put in their lunch boxes.

I've been trying to work out if I have time to blog anymore.

My 'thinking' has taken a toll on my body/mind. Insomnia, vitiligo, Grumpy-moo disease. I've been trying to put into some kind of semblance the attitudes/patterns I have and to get rid of those that do not serve me. Quite exhausting.

I've been pumping the herbs in to me. Getting counselling. Having acupuncture.

Look out world!

... sorry to lower the tone...

If I read one more article where child-less people are banging on about how selfish children and their parents are I am going to shit in a bag and send it to the editor.


home girl said...

pleeease don't leave us silver bee. we love your sporadic ranting and need you here cheering us up with tales of grumpy-moo disease and shitting in bags. once those boys are in settled and you have stopped camping outside spying (that's what i would be doing) i'm sure u will be feeling much more chilled out and inspired to blog. good to hear from you, take it easy babe and hang in there (btw am currently doing the herbs/acupucture biz too - good stuff) xxx

Kate Moore said...

Funny, I was thinking how some of my childless colleagues and friends are sooooo selfish and self-centred. Some are aware, some are soooo unaware. Do the dump and send it. Would make me laugh.
On another note, how is the acupuncture? I've always wondered how I'd go. Not good with needles. Used to be but after a childhood bout of being a pincushion, I'm a bit wary.

Kirti said...

Oh love just get yourself to the ocean for a swim and hold out for autumn and chant 'impermanence, impermanence'....

blackie said...

grumpy moo disease. hee hee. i have that fo sho!

Leigh said...

You crack me up! A shit bag to the editor!! Ha ha.

blackie said...

just came back to say i'm booked into start counselling next week. i'm a bit scared to start unravelling why my life/me is such a mess. maybe it's better not to know?! oh dear. am I just blabbing on your blog because i no longer have one of my own? too many questions, not enough answers. somebody cook me some dinner.