Saturday, November 15, 2008

A latte and a bowl of water for Juno...

We were sad to find out yesterday that one of our regular customers had taken his own life.

Is there something beautiful, talented, young gay men don't realize??


Warning: rant follows.

Next May will be the 10 year anniversary of my Best Friends hanging suicide.


The culmination of a long road of agony I won't ever understand, the ambulances, the stomach pumpings, the denial of family members, the psychological battles to convince someone that the world was actually made a better place the day they were born.

Not easy when their Father told them otherwise at every possible opportunity, called footy players 'Poofter' when they dropped the ball, thought REAL men had as many kids as possible, sat on their ass while their wife did everything, got pissed and took the shit out of people.

He tormented, abused, bashed and hated his own son and then most disgustingly, hypocritically of all, lay a gay pride flag across the coffin.

Oh and lest we forget, cremated someone who repeatedly stated that they wanted to be buried. Yes you shitty excuse! I hate you! I will dance naked in a field on the day you die.

Hey. I sound like an angry ant. So what? I dealt with that shit for years. I'm not over it and I don't even care. I stopped playing out alternate endings a long time ago. I dealt with the guilt and the why? why? why? When push came to shove I was relieved he was dead because it was sucking the marrow out of me. End rant.

So to all the family and friends who lost such a sweet, funny, gifted guy. I'm sorry. It's a shit ride, it will hurt like hell and it will make you stronger.


Meaghan said...

You're a lovely friend to those on Earth and those "up there" or "wherever they go". I'm honored to know you.

Thank you for being you.

Silver Bee said...

*bawls uncontrollably*

*feels a million dollars*

shula said...

Well, yes, it will make you stronger.

Unfortunately, that's about all it will do.

The rest is just Pure Bummer.

Very sorry to hear about this Amy, I hope you're okay.