Thursday, August 21, 2008

Bleepin' 'eck!

Pic via palindrome6996 's photo stream on Flickr

We got a review.

In reference to our coffee...

"a clingy crema suppresses a shot with a colour and viscosity are similar to a cup of soy-sauce."

No. That's not my typo. That's how it was printed.

Not happy.

I'm confused. How does wording that shitful slip past an editor of a coffee guide?


Really. Soy sauce. Why would you compare my coffee to a salty condiment? Fucker!

So. So. So confused.


Kirti said...

I'm sorry but there are just too many coffee wankers out there. They didn't mention the superior sausage rolls, the incomparable breakfast beans, the most excellent cakes and the Particularly Lovely Proprietors Who Make Everyone Feel At Home. And just for the record I've never had any thing but splendid coffee chez Crunch. So let them inarticulately compare crema and soy sauce...??!!

Kirti said...

pardon the impassioned expletive!

Silver Bee said...

thanks kirti.

blackie said...

I'll take kirti's word for it. Somebody obviously has too much time on their hands if their going about reviewing coffee anyway. Hopefully I can pop in one day and de-bunk dud review in person.

Meaghan said...

There are far too many snobs out there, especially about espresso! I've worked at many coffee shops, and people were so particular. As long as you don't burn the thing, can it be that bad?!

I don't know what kind of espresso machine you use, but I've always found that when I pulled a 19-21 second shot that it was perfect. That might be useless to you, though. :-/

Keep your chin up! For every critic there are a thousand fans!

shula said...

Tell me who it was so I can go round and kill them.

I'm in just the mood.