Friday, July 4, 2008

Aunty Lolly.

When I was young my favourite person in the world was my Aunty Noeleen. She used to come and visit on her bike with the basket on the front and seemed to dig my crazy imagination. 

She would always knock on the door and say 'Avon calling' in a posh voice and after we let her in she would encourage me to rummage through her bag to find some treat or other. More often than not, a pack of lolly 'fags' or a BoPeep jar from Darrell Lea.

She used to tell me our front garden had pixies living in it and our back garden had fairies at the back in the ivy. She gave me Enid Blyton books for Birthdays and Christmas and used to do crazy stuff like singing into a carrot with a tea cosy on her head.

Bubble has a cackle just like Noeleen but he couldn't pronounce her name, it always came out as 'Lolly' which she thought was the greatest and therefore adopted the moniker. Ace!

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