Sunday, June 15, 2008

Mavis and Tom.

This is my Sister and I with our Grandma and Grandpa. I love this picture. It was taken in their front garden in Rosebud. My Grandma made our dresses(and probably our underpants!)

Grandma taught me how to: knit, hand-sew, embroider, use a sewing machine, sew on a button, make proper gravy, weed the garden, play Scrabble and Patience, dry old teacups carefully, save useful things and how to make scones and sponge cake.

Grandpa taught me how to: tether a horse, pull a carrot, knock my gumboots together on the step before going inside, walk in a patch without getting 'nettled' and mow the lawn so the grass flies into  piles and is easier to rake up.

These people taught me pretty much everything worth knowing.

1 comment:

Kirti said...

wow, how fortunate! That's what grandparents are like in the utopia of my mind! xxxxx